


    地 址:深圳寶安燕羅街道下圍水工業區1棟


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發布時間:2015-04-14 17:32:52 發布人:本站
    As discussed I have put together an RFQ for automated spray process.
    液體-whitfords, xlar/xylan PET油漆
    Product Range: Stud bolt, Hex bolt, Nut, Washer.
    Product Size:
    牙條,六角螺栓Diameter直徑: ?” through to 4”, Length 長度:2” through to 70” (stud / Hex bolt), Weight Max 重量:100kg
                        直徑: Diameter ?” through to 6” (Nut) 螺母
                        直徑:Diameter ?” through to 8” (Washer) 墊片

    Items required in order of relevance:

    o    Programmable Overhead track 有軌道編程系統
    o    Blast room (automated) quick media change capability 噴涂間有自動化快速變化能力
    o    Pre Heat through oven up to 50°C 熱量在50度以上
    o  Spray Booth with 2D spray capability for single side coating with paint thickness monitoring capability
    噴漆柜與2 d為單邊噴霧功能涂料油漆厚度監控能力
    o    Spray Booth with 2D spray capability for single side coating (opposite to above) with paint thickness monitoring capability     possibility to replace with 3D robot and allow only 1 booth pending material coverage.
    噴漆柜與2 d為單邊噴霧功能涂料與油漆厚度(上面對面)監控功能可能與3 d機器人取代,只允許1個展位等待材料覆蓋。
    o    Through Oven for flash up to 200°C (15-20 min) 15-20分鐘內烤箱溫度達到200度
    o    Through Oven for Cure up to 600°C (30 min)30分鐘通過烤箱的溫度為600度
    o    Free track to allow cooling up to 2 hours 冷卻時間為2小時

    Currently I can produce maximum 13,492 pcs of ?” stud bolt in approximately 1hr 10 minutes from spray to cure (oven being constraint) before cooling…to make the track feasible I must have capability to reduce this time dramatically.
    目前在1小時10分鐘通過噴涂,固化,冷卻,可生產的1/2 牙條為13492根

    好品質-選榮德:榮德機器人歡迎您!20年研發自動噴涂設備經驗,國家級高新技術企業,七百平米實驗室提供免費試機打樣!免費試噴打樣熱線:138 2368 0921 白小姐 噴涂視頻:http://www.cnzbzc.com/
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